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On a normal day, there are many ups and downs we each have to go through. Some we have no choice but to go through, while others we can avoid. But all in all, none of these downs should affect your core inner happiness and positive attitude. Yes, we each, at our core, are happy and positive people. That’s our true nature. Not the frantic, stressed out person we become after a hard days work…that’s not our core self, that’s external pressures taking its toll on our being.
There are ways to make everyday positive and happy irrespective of any ups and downs we may face. Ups and down can’t be avoided, but what you can avoid is the negative effect they have on your being.
Here are 9 ways to be positive and happy everyday irrespective of your situation:
- Carry a positive Trigger- OK, we all tend to freak out the second something is not going according to plan, or according to the way we expect it to work out. Its in these situation specifically that you need a kind of trigger to push your mind back to the positive track. Whether you’re at home, work or the supermarket a positive trigger can be a picture, a quote, a key chain, or even a text on your phone. Anything that can be carried with you at all times and has the ability to make you think positive happy thoughts. Just flip out this positive trigger when you are down and get right back on the positive track.
- Smile Consciously- There are days, when I carry that plastic smile around. I might meet people, smile and greet them cordially on those days, but haven’t really done it happily. Every morning when I awake, I make myself a promise, to smile like I mean it. Believe me just one smile coming from the heart can not only make your whole being happy, but also spread the happiness to all those who you encounter. Making this a practice everyday, very simply adds to your core happiness quotient. smile from your heart.
- Feel Deeper- believe that Till you can FEEL the pain, you know you are on the positive track. You are a good person. When you stop feeling, it means there is some part of your heart thats not alive. Feeling another’s pain and trying to DO something about it brings about an immense sense of happiness and satisfaction within. Try it. Just Be there and lend your loving hand to someone everyday…..feel deeper to be happier.
- Read Wisdom- There are a few books I have on my night stand and few on my work desk, which are full of inspirational words and prayers. When I am having a particularly difficult day, I just pick up any one book and read a paragraph. Instantly I’m back into thinking and feeling happy and positive. My friends Evita and Tess have these little cards full of inspirational quotes on their desks, fridges and walls to get them thinking happy positive thoughts. When you have inspiration around you, its hard not to get back on the happily positive wagon right
- Activate Fantasy- As children, we all had these amazing fantasy worlds we used to play in. My fantasy world was a castle in the sky, full of fairies and princesses, rainbows and butterflies, flowers and birds. When we grow up and life takes over, we tend to forget our fantasy lands. But if you can think back and remember as a child, its when you were bored and upset, did this fantasy world come alive in your mind. It was your coping mechanism as a child. Why cant that same fantasy or a different happy fantasy be a coping mechanism now? Try it just for 5 minutes…especially when you are having a particularly bad day…I bet within the first five minutes you can break into a wide wide smile
- Be Spontaneous- Allow spontaneity to invade your routine. I have never really been the kind of person who follows a routine. I find that I am happier when I only do what I feel like, what my heart tells me to do at the current moment. If you don’t allow some spontaneous moments into your life, a mindless routine will start to get really old and wear on you. The most creative individuals are also the most spontaneous thinkers and carefree adventurers.
- Start Accepting Stop Expecting- Accept people and situations the way they are. No-one and no situation is perfect. Accept them anyways. Love your friends, love your situation, love every little thing about your self and your life and accept the shortcomings. In accepting we stop expecting. Expectation only brings about sadness and regret. Both not very happy emotions. No expectation means no regret, no sadness. Acceptance paves the way for immense happiness everyday.
- Count Your Blessings & Be Thankful-Reserve five minutes each day to walk around your house and pick two or three things you take for granted — the carpet, soap, a spice rack, a pencil — and really appreciate it. Think about how you use the object, how you benefit, how life would be different without it. By focusing on how this object makes your life better, you appreciate it more – you count your blessings. The pencil may add utility to your life, regardless. But only in recognizing that utility can it bring you satisfaction and value. You may also recognize that the object brings you no benefit … that it is just taking space and collecting dust and that you really should be giving it away (Getting rid of “clutter” has the added benefit that it lets you focus your appreciation on the items that really can bring you happiness).Being thankful can completely transform one’s disposition. The more we pause to consider the things we have to be grateful for, the more we begin to focus on those things. And the things we focus on, we tend to draw toward ourselves. Therefore, the act of focusing on our blessings tends to bring more blessings into our lives.
- Love Unconditionally-Unconditional Love is a dynamic and powerful energy that lifts us through the most difficult times. It is available at any moment by turning our attention to it and using its wonderful potential to free us from our limitations. Loving unconditionally begins with ourselves, for without self-love, we cannot know what true love can be. In loving ourselves, we allow the feeling to generate within us and then we can share it with everyone and everything around us! That which we send out, returns to us in greater measure. If you have not thought about how you feel towards yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally, or spiritually, I invite you to do so now. Begin the journey that changes everything. Begin the journey of unconditional love…and be Happily positive.
There are a lot more ways to BE happy and positive everyday, but these 9 are my top favorites. I use them everyday and so can you.
Being Happy and positive is not all that difficult ….
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