Friday, December 30, 2011

apa kelas nengok ombak rindu?

aku pon tpengaruh nk tengok filem ombak rindu.penulis cerita ni fauziah shaari. ade ke patut dia dia dpt cuma 1600 rengget je.punya la susah perah otak nk buat novel.dpt 1600 sedangkan filem tu dpat juta2.dan aku tengok masing2 post kat wall fb bagtau dorang pegi tengok wayang.tengok tv pon aku x sempat.nk g tengok wayang memang melampo.sempena aku membeli LCD laptop yg baru dgn rasminya aku menonton cite ni kat LCD baru aku 19 inci . pagi tadi aku save siap2 versi youtube. ptg ni aku pon Layan.

Aku jeles gak dgn aron ni.maya tu cantik ko boleh lah reject lisa surihani tu. maya karin plak untung la kau dpat laki hensem dan kayo. Aaron aziz tu.bkn adi putra ke apa rosyam nor ke.idaman jiwaku tu.kira xaci lah.dlm realitinya berapa org la dpat peluang camtu.pompuan cantik biasanye laki dorang hitam dan gemuk.lelaki hensem plak dpt bini garang dan sombong.

maya xpakai baju.lawa jugak.
Maya karin pakai tudung aku rasa ni fes taem.kene ngaji pulak tu.dia baca surah yasin.lain macam je lagu dia.harapan aku terkesan lah kat maya karin supaya tak pakai seksi2 lagi.lawa kalo ko pakai tudung cam tu.xterjejas pun kacantikan kau tu. cuma aku jeles kat kau. dulu time mula2 belakon ko xdelah lawa sangat.kulit pun gelap gak aku tengok.tapi sekarang ni petih melepak pulak.dah la hidung mancung mcm anak mat saleh.

maya pakai tudung.lagi lawa.tudung bawal ni kalau pakai payah sikit maya.kene byk guna brooch.  baru lah kemas.

biasa2 je aaron aziz ni.bkn hensem sangat.tapi pakej baik la tu yg buat dia laku sesangat.

secara keseluruhan bagi aku biasa je cerita ombak rindu ni. tak tengok pun tak apa. apa yang menarik sangat tah sampai masing2 rasa bangga dapat tengok cerita ni. cerita ni bagi aku xyah lah nak direkemen2 macam best sangat. apa... lah.sampai ada yg nangis bekali2. pelik.setitis pon xkeluar air mata makcik. lagi banyak cite sedih yg boleh buat makcik tacing.

Lagi kehilangan

Sebelum 2011 mutup tirai, 1 lagi kematian dicatatkan ps 29 dec 2011 pkl 10 pg. cikgu Leow Pin Me meninggal slps 2 hari masuk icu. Time aku dpt berita ni, aku tgh tlena sbb ada taklimat penggunaan software baru.kalau interaction bm ke bi ke aku mmg blh layan.dgn cikgu lain yg sibuk beborak baik aku ambik kesempatan lelap kt belakang.kira2 aku org ke 2 lah dpt tau dlm bilik tu bila kk tiba2 duduk sblh dn bgtau Leow Pin me laoushio dah tak de. cikgu ni mmg da sakit.jantung dia lemah, blood pressure sgt rendah.strat bln 7 2010 dia pakai bateri kat jantung utk support.tapi kematiannya bkn sbb bateri tu. dia dan familinye jalan kat vietnam dan menikmati makanan di sana.balik sini sakit perut dan disahkan food poisoniing plk.dari SMC masuk IJN ada virus sampai jantung dan merosakkan lagi jantung.tu sbb dia xdpt diselamatkan. walaupun aku xselalu dgn dia tp aku slalu dpt update apa yg dia buat dan wish kalo ada apa2yg perlu. yg aku ingat sekali pasal dia dia selalu cakap budak2 ni xdpt ikut apa yg kita ajar tak apa . kita bg je diorang tu kasih sayang. cikgu ni mmg soft spoken.cakap melayu dia slang indon sbb dia duduk indon 3 tahun xsilap. masa aku dtg jakarta dulu jantung dia blm masuk baateri lagi.blood preesure dia dlm 30 je.mmg xnormal.sikap lemah lembut dan baik hati dia mngingatkan aku dgn sorang lagi best fren dia ng siew lan yg dah meninggal jugak bln 7 thn ni.
aku ada kenangan dgn dia di Takuban Perahu, Bandung.Time ni aku gemuk sgt.trauma nak pos gambar.leow pin me maintain..(spa lagi ada tangkap gambar kt sini)

Time aku tulis entry ni, aku baru tjumpa tiket masuk taman mini indonesia kat Jakarta. hage tiket RP 55,000. mcm org kayo.naseb baik Rp.

Berita kematian akan menginsafkan kita.xpayah la berangan nk hidup lama2. pencen 56 pon aku xsabar tunggu. nk bg panjang lagi sampai 60 mmg aku xsanggup.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Malam Yang Suspen

Sebelum makcik sebelah rumah pindah keluar, dia sempat bgtau cerita seram pasal rumah dia. ditambah pula dengan cerita rumah adik tiba-tiba ada  budak kecik masuk waktu malam,aku jadi seram sejuk je.bila.. malam tadi anak kata nampak kucing hitam lari naik tangga dalam rumah. berderau darah sekejap. tak berani naik atas. so anak beranak tidur kat ruang tamu. bukan senang nk tidur. baca yasin dan lain2 doa. pas tu ambil tepung dan tabur atas tangga. sebab nk tengok tapak sapa yang lalu dan nak tengok lalu mana benda tu keluar. anak pulak terus je tidur kat sofa.

tejaga sebelum subuh, pagi2 cpt2 pegi tengok tepung kat tangga. memang berusik. xde pulak tapak kaki. tapi..cis , kau dah tinggalkan satu benda yg buat aku kenal sapa kau. tak guna. berani masuk rumah aku dan buat aku susah hati satu malam. cepat2 aku ambik perangkap tikus dan letak dekat tepung tadi dan sambung tidur.

Akhirnya padan muka. puas hati aku dpt tangkap kau walau pon cara kau pandang aku tak de muka insaf langsung. Kau ingat aku takut bunuh.

Suspen betul. dah tambah keje aku bersihkan tepung kat tangga.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sifat Mahmudah no 1

Imam Al Ghazali r.a. telah menggariskan 10 sifat Mahmudah (terpuji) di dalam kitab Arbain Fi Usuluddin:


” Dan mohonlah ampun kepada Allah , sesungguhnya ia Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Pengasih”.
(Surah Al – Muzammil - Ayat 20)

Syarat-syarat taubat:
* Meninggalkan maksiat atau perkara dosa tersebut.
* Menyesal atas maksiat atau dosa yang telah dilakukan.
* Berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.
* Mengembalikan hak-hak makhluk yang dizalimi.
* Mengerjakan perkara-perkara fardhu yang telah luput.

Astaghfirullahal Azim

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


"Sebaik-baik manusia ialah manusia yang paling banyak memberi manfaat kepada orang lain". hadith.

"Sebaik-baik manusia ialah manusia yang panjang umurnya dan baik amalannya". Hadith.

"Sebaik-baik kamu ialah orang yang paling baik terhadap keluarganya". Hadith

copy dr FB ustaz yg hensem ni Ustaz Fauzi Mustafa. nak add dia , tapi

"Sorry, this user already has too many friend requests"  ok

Tepuk amai-amai belalang kupu-kupu..

Straight-As - Secrets Revealed

Sape yang dapat 3A ni?? Makcik dulu UPSR dapat 5A tau..

as copied from

1-  Set priorities.
Top students brook no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is booted up, phone calls go unanswered, TV shows unwatched, snacks ignored. Study is business; business comes before recreation.

2-  Study anywhere — or everywhere.
Claude Olney, an Arizona State University business professor assigned to tutor failing college athletes, recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Olney persuaded him to use the time to memorize biology terms. Another student posted a vocabulary list by the medicine cabinet. He learned a new word every day while brushing his teeth.
Among the students we interviewed, study times were strictly a matter of personal preference. Some worked late at night when the house was quiet. Others awoke early. Still others studied as soon as they came home from school when the work was fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. “Whatever I was doing, I maintained a slot every day for studying,” says Ian McCray, a Middlebury College student from New Jersey.

3- Get organized.
In high school, McCray ran track, played rugby and was in the band and orchestra. “I was so busy, I couldn’t waste time looking for a pencil or missing paper. I kept everything right where I could put my hands on it,” he says.
Paul Melendres maintains two folders — one for the day’s assignments, another for papers completed and graded. Traci Tsuchiguchi, a top student at Clovis West High School in Fresno, Calif., has another system. She immediately files the day’s papers in color-coded folders by subject so they’ll be available for review at exam time.
Even students who don’t have a private study area remain organized. A backpack or drawer keeps essential supplies together and cuts down on time-wasting searches.

4- Learn how to read.
”The best class I ever took,” says Christopher Campbell, who graduated from Moore (Okla.) High School last spring, “was speed-reading. I not only increased my words per minute but also learned to look at a book’s table of contents, graphs and pictures first. Then, when I began to read, I had a sense of the material, and I retained a lot more.”
In his book Getting Straight A’s, Gordon W. Green, Jr., says the secret of good reading is to be “an active reader — one who continually asks questions that lead to a full understanding of the author’s message.”
Schedule your time. When a teacher assigns a long paper, Domenica Roman draws up a timetable, dividing the project into small pieces so it isn’t so overwhelming.
“It’s like eating a steak,” she says. “You chew it one bite at a time.”
Melendres researches and outlines a report first, then tries to complete the writing in one long push over a weekend. “I like to get it down on paper early, so I have time to polish and review.”
Of course, even the best students procrastinate sometimes. But when that happens, they face up to it. “Sometimes it comes down to late nights,” admits Christi Anderson, an athlete, student-council member and top student at Lyman High School in Presho, S.D. “Still, if you want A’s, you make sure to hit the deadline.”

5- Take good notes – and use them.
“Reading the textbook is important,” says Melendres, “but the teacher is going to test you on what he or she emphasized. That’s what you find in your notes.”
The top students also take notes while reading the text assignment. In fact, David Cieri of Holy Cross High School in Delran, N.J., uses “my homemade” system in which he draws a line down the center of a notebook, writes notes from the text on one side and those from the teacher’s lecture on the other. Then he is able to review both aspects of the assignment at once.
Just before the bell rings, most students close their books, put away papers, whisper to friends and get ready to rush out. Anderson uses those few minutes to write a two- or three-sentence summary of the lesson’s principal points, which she scans before the next day’s class.Clean up your act. Neat papers are likely to get higher grades than sloppy ones. “The student who turns in a neat paper,” says Professor Olney, “is already on the way to an A. It’s like being served a cheeseburger. No matter how good it really is, you can’t believe it tastes good if it’s presented on a messy plate.”

6- Speak up.
”If I don’t understand the principle my teacher is explaining in economics, I ask him to repeat it,” says Christopher Campbell. Class participation goes beyond merely asking questions, though. It’s a matter of showing intellectual curiosity.
In a lecture on capitalism and socialism, for example, Melendres asked the teacher how the Chinese economy could be both socialist and market-driven, without incurring some of the problems that befell the former Soviet Union. “I don’t want to memorize information for tests only,” says Melendres. “Better grades come from better understanding.”

7- Study together.
The value of hitting the books together was demonstrated in an experiment at the University of California at Berkeley. While a graduate student there, Uri Treisman observed a freshman calculus class in which Asian-Americans, on average, scored higher than other minority students from similar academic backgrounds. Treisman found that the Asian-Americans discussed homework problems together, tried different approaches and explained their solutions to one another.
The others, by contrast, studied alone, spent most of their time reading and rereading the text, and tried the same approach time after time even if it was unsuccessful. On the basis of his findings, Treisman suggested teaching group-study methods in the course. Once that was done, the groups performed equally well.
Test yourself. As part of her note-taking, Domenica Roman highlights points she thinks may be covered during exams. Later she frames tentative test questions based on those points and gives herself a written examination before test day. “If I can’t answer the question satisfactorily, I go back and review,” she says.
Experts confirm what Roman has figured out for herself. Students who make up possible test questions often find many of the same questions on the real exam and thus score higher.

8- Do more than you’re asked.
If her math teacher assigns five problems, Christi Anderson does ten. If the world-history teacher assigns eight pages of reading, she reads 12. “Part of learning is practicing,” says Anderson. “And the more you practice, the more you learn.”
The most important “secret” of the super-achievers is not so secret. For almost all straight-A students, the contribution of their parents was crucial. From infancy, the parents imbued them with a love for learning. They set high standards for their kids, and held them to those standards. They encouraged their sons and daughters in their studies but did not do the work for them. In short, the parents impressed the lessons of responsibility on their kids, and the kids delivered.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mengapa Ada Dia

sabar dah separuh, separuh lagi bersih.  dah cukup iman. sapa kata islam itu susah??
kaunselor kata jangan simpan dendam di dalam hati.nanti jadi stress. luahkan aje. redha adalah yang terbaik. Allah mencipta insan yang sedemikian sikapnya  kat aku untuk menduga kesabaran yang buat aku teringin mengumpat sebenarnya sebab nak ceritakan perangai buruk yg dia dah buat. harap semuga berbaloi bersabar. tapi tekanan darah rendah yang mengalir dalam tubuh aku ni menjadikan aku kadang2 mcm orang penakut. why me?

astaghfirullahal azim

Monday, November 21, 2011

10 Subtle Ways to Influence People

copied from:

Any man in a leadership role knows how important it is to exert influence over others. Influencing people can sometimes be a challenge and, like anything, there are certainly right and wrong ways to do it. Shouting and making threats is an ultimately ineffective way of truly wielding influence. In fact, research suggests that making threats significantly decreases one's chances of influencing people. Truly influential people are ultimately respected and well-liked because they wield their influence with subtlety: Here are 10 highly effective yet subtle ways to influence people. 

#1 Rational Persuasion

In a business environment, one of the best and most effective ways of subtly exerting one's influence is by using 'rational persuasion.' Rational persuasion is the calm use of logical arguments and factual evidence to persuade the person being influenced that a proposal is viable and therefore should be carried out. This can also be applied to virtually any aspect of your life. For example, if you want to go on vacation to Las Vegas but your girlfriend would rather spend her time with you in Paris, sit her down and calmly and rationally explain to her that during this tough economic period, a drive to Las Vegas is much less financially draining than expensive plane tickets to Europe and therefore, Las Vegas is the more viable option. The use of rational persuasion is supported by scientific studies on strategies that ultimately lead to commitment.

#2 Colour

Humans, like many other animals, place great emphasis on the importance of colour and what it can tell us. Predators in the animal kingdom use colour to distinguish threats and, in a similar way, humans subconsciously perceive certain signals from different colours. There is such a thing as 'colour strategy' in the marketing world wherein the psychological value of each colour and what signal is emits is taken into account when formulating a new product or advertisement. For example, a marketing company may use a lot of red in an advertising campaign because it is the colour that the eye perceives quickest. In addition, research suggests that heart rate, respiratory rate and the frequency of eye blinks all increase when a subject sees red in stark contrast to blue, which has a more calming effect. In addition to its relaxing nature, blue is a colour that is favoured by men and tends to represent surpassing oneself, loyalty, trust and authority: all the qualities that one would expect in an influential figure. And indeed, psychological evidence and studies on trust suggest that if you want to successfully influence others, wearing lots of blue will help.

#3 Perceived Competence

Convincing others of your competence doesn't simply mean saying: "trust me, I know what I'm talking about"; if anything, that makes people less likely to have confidence in your judgment. Research already tells us that perceived competence is an important factor of influence and unfortunately for women, inaccurate gender stereotypes generally cause people to perceive women as less competent and less suitable for managerial roles than men. Men usually don't have to battle these misinformed stereotypes but often have to reassure people of their abilities. One of the most effective ways of doing this is not by monitoring what we say, but rather how we say it: studies have shown that speaking steadily with few hesitations and stumbles in addition to avoiding indirect and mitigated language makes you appear more competent and, by association, more influential to others. The frequent proper use of large words in your common speech also helps drive the appearance of competence and thereby raises your influential ability. It is also interesting to note that studies have shown that a beard can lower perceptions of your competence but when paired with glasses or a bald head, a beard has a positive effect on competence ratings.

#4 Word Choices

Nothing is more powerful than language: it is an abstraction that can exert a strong influence over people and their actions. This is especially important in the English language which has a particularly large vocabulary when compared to other languages around the world: where one language has only one word to express a certain meaning, English may have five or six. Many words in English may have similar, but slightly varied meanings, so it can be important to choose the right word when it comes to conveying the right message. For example, "bossing" and "oversee" are two English words with similar meanings, yet their use in a sentence can produce very different results. If you were to say to someone in a junior position at work "I'm your boss", you may incite a negative reaction from the person being spoken to. By using the term "boss," you are elevating yourself to a higher level and, by association, lowering them. If you were to say: "I'm just overseeing this project," the meaning you're trying to convey is essentially the same: you are the person in charge and therefore a person of influence. The difference is that by using the word "oversee" rather than "boss," you are still emphasizing your position of authority without alienating those around you.

#5 Entourage

In general, people tend to make the heuristic assumption that entourages follow influential and notable people. The presence of an entourage has the same psychological effect as riding in a limousine: it makes you look important and the perception of importance is very influential. The presence of an entourage is a form of social proof. It is simply a visual representation that can be used to tell others about the level of your own influence and cause them to likewise rank you of greater importance thereby making themselves more susceptible to your influence. You don't need to surround yourself with living, breathing sycophants all day every day, you just need people see you with as little as one or two men by your side every now and again.  Not only does having your own entourage project an exaggerated image of your importance and influence, but it also serves a greater personal purpose: it can make you feel important and influential, providing you with the motivation and confidence necessary to truly influence others.

#6 Clothing and style

How you dress and how you appear to others cannot be underestimated. One particular psychological experiment conducted in the eighties revealed that people who dress in a more masculine manner are more likely to be hired by professionals and to be taken more seriously in the business world. Additionally, another study conducted suggested that those who are physically attractive and stylish are more likely to be perceived as happy and desirable, both socially and professionally. The key is to dress for success: if you want to be seen as an influential and powerful person, dress like one. If you look like a mess, then people with think your managerial style is a mess. If you don't respect your own appearance, how will you ever expect people to respect you? You want people to look up to you and to aspire to be like you so you need to dress the part.

#7 Verb usage

Perhaps even more important than choosing the right word to use is knowing how to use the verb in the sentence. When trying to influence someone in a work situation, it is important to be aware of the verb that you're using. For example, if you want someone to photocopy a document and you phrase it as: "photocopy that document", it comes across as an order. By using what we call the imperative form of the verb, it gives the entire sentence an authoritarian quality and portrays you as bossy and demanding which is hardly the most effective and subtle way of influencing people. However, if you were to say: "could you get this document photocopied?" it gives the sentence an entirely different meaning. Here, the verb is in its passive form and the introduction of a new verb ("get") suggests that the person doing the photocopying is in control. You are still asking them to do something, but now the act is not so much an order and they are much more likely to comply with your request.

#8 Manners

Everyone wants to feel respected but respect works both ways: you should never expect to earn it unless you are also giving it back. If you don't respect people, they won't respect you and your influence over them will be severely diminished. If you want to influence people, it's always worth keeping three little words stored in the back of your mind: "please" and "thank you." These words are short and sweet, they can be tagged onto the end of any request and they mean a lot.

#9 Praise

Praise is a form of reward and studies show that praise can be an effective motivator and reinforce of behaviour. People in a leadership roles often overlook the importance of praise. If you want to influence others and you want to get the best out of people under your leadership, uttering a phrase as simple as "good work" after they perform what you asked of them is sometimes all it takes. This distribution of praise needn't just be confined to instances of good work: even if an assignment isn't completed on time or someone doesn't do something you've asked them to do, always start with praise before giving criticism. HR professionals often use similar techniques. If you begin by saying "you've been doing some really great work these last few months", the person being spoken to will instantly feel valued as a worker which then softens the blow of the following criticism. By reinforcing criticism with praise, you promote a positive social relationship between you and the people around you. Doing this encourages others to carry out assignments because they owe it to you as a figure of respect.

#10 Tone of Voice

Studies on tone of voice have profound implications for influence. It seems that deeper, bass voice is a powerful indicator of high testosterone levels and representative of greater virility -- an alpha male characteristic. It is important to note that various studies have consistently shown that people with deeper voices are considered more knowledgeable, commanding and credible than others with notably higher voices. If a man speaks with a higher-pitched voice, it gives the impression that he is unsure, uneasy and uncomfortable with himself and his surroundings and thus hardly the kind of figure to command faith and optimism in those around him. Practice speaking in a lower voice by lowering your chin and begin by speaking slowly and in a more monotone way.Learning about the tricks of persuasion can also give you insight into when they're being used on you. The biggest benefit of this is that money will stay in your pockets as you realize just how sales people and advertisers sell you products that you don't necessarily need.
Here are 9 of the best tricks to be persuasive and influence others:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Makanan untuk Jadi Bijak-kena lah berusaha

sesungguhnya aku bersungguh-sungguh nak bagi anak pandai dan bijak dalam pelajaran supaya senang menempuh kehidupan mendatang. dan kerja aku mengkopi dan paste balik kat blog sendiri. tapi mesti la edit2 sbb languange barriers lah. so dengan bahasa melayu, camni la makanan yg boleh tolong orang melayu jadi pandai.
• avocado- kat indon murah nmelampau buah ni.dan besar gedabak.

• Blueberry-selalu rasa jem blueberry dengan perfume. nak cari buah fresh cam ni tunggu la pegi south Africa.

dengan penurunan risiko untuk Alzheimer
• ikan salmon

ikan yang sedap tapi mahal. kalau makan pun dapat sehiris je. bila lah nak dapat sekor.
• Kacang
sedapnya almond, sunflower seed pun. makan memang tak pernah jemu. tu belum pitasciio, pecan


• beras perang
• teh segar
• dark chocolate
• Telur
• Tomato

masalah apabila kerajinan terhenti...

Bagaimana Bangsa Yahudi - Cantik dan Bijak

Selain jawapannya adalah kerana anugerah Allah, Kajian mendapati fakta-fakta seperti berikut:
Ternyata, bila seorang Yahudi mengandung maka si ibu akan meningkatkan aktivitinya membaca, menyanyi dan bermain piano dan mendengar muzik klasik. Tidak itu saja, mereka juga akan mempelajari matematik  dan membeli lebih banyak lagi buku mengenai matematik dan  mempelajarinya.

Setelah anak lahir, bagi ibu yang menyususi bayi itu, mereka makan lebih banyak makan kacang, kurma dan susu. Siang , makan roti dengan ikan yang tanpa kepala serta salad. Daging ikan dianggap bagus untuk otak dan kepala ikan harus dielakkan kerana mengandungi bahan kimia yang tidak baik untuk pertumbuhan otak si anak.  si ibu banyak makan minyak ikan (code oil lever).
Bila ada daging, mereka tidak akan makan daging bersama-sama dengan ikan, kerana mereka percaya dengan makan ikan dengan daging hasilnya tidak baik untuk pertumbuhan. Makan ikan ,makan ikan saja, bila makan daging, hanya makan daging sahaja, tidak campur. Makan pun, mereka mendahulukan makan buah-buahan baru makan roti atau nasi. Makan nasi dulu sebelum makan buah, dipercaya akan hanya membuat ngantuk dan malas berkerja.
Di Isarel, merokok itu tabu! Mereka mempunyai hasil kajian dari ahli penyelidik tentang Genetik dan DNA yang meyakinkan bahawa nekotin akan merosakkan sel utama yang ada di dalam otak manusia yang kesannya tidak hanya kepada si perokok akan tetapi juga akan mempengaruhi "gen" atau keturunannya. Pengaruh yang utama adalah dapat membuat orang dan keturunannya menjadi "bodoh" atau "dungu". Walaupun, kalau kita perhatikan, maka pengeluar rokok terbesar di dunia ini adalah orang Yahudi! Tetapi yang merokok, bukan orang Yahudi.
Mereka juga pandai bahasa, minimum 3 bahasa harus dikuasai, iaitu Hebrew, Arab dan bahasa Inggeris. Anak-anak juga diwajibkan dan dilatih piano dan biola. Dua instrument ini dipercayai boleh sangat berkesan meningkatkan lagi IQ mereka. Irama muzik terutama muzik klasik dapat menstimulasi sel otak. Sebahagian besar daripada ahli muzik genius dunia adalah orang Yahudi.
Salah satu syarat untuk lulus dari IPT adalah, dalam satu kumpulan pelajar (terdiri daripada 10 orang), perlu menjalankan perniagaan. Mereka hanya boleh lulus setelah syarikatnya mendapat untung 1 juta US Dollar. Itulah sebabnya, maka lebih dari 50% perdagangan di dunia dikuasai oleh orang Yahudi. Design "Levis" terkini dicipta oleh satu Universiti di Israel, fakulti "business and fashion".
dalam sukan untuk kanak-kanak, diutamakan adalah Menembak, Memanah dan Lari. Menembak dan Memanah, akan membentuk otak cemerlang yang mudah untuk "fokus" dalam berfikir!
Khusus tentang merokok, negara yang mengikuti jejak Israel adalah Singapura. Di Singapura para perokok dikuatkuasakan sebagai warga negara kelas dua. Kerajaan Singapura mengikut apa yang telah dilakukan oleh penyelidik Israel, bahawa nekotin hanya akan menghasilkan generasai yang "Bodoh" dan "Dungu".

entry ini dicopy dan diedit dari blog Indonesia. ambil yang  relevan saje.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

a revision - six pillars of Iman

Rukun Islam ada lagu p ramlee nyanyi. tp rukun iman tak de pulak sapa nak buat lagu.

 Rukun Iman
1 Belief in Allah;
2 Belief in the angels;
3 Belief in the revealed books;
4 Belief in the commissioned Messengers (peace be upon them).
5 Belief in the resurrection and the events of Qiyamah.
6 Belief in the predestination by Allah of all things, both the good and the bad

so sape2 pegi jumpa bomoh nak pekene kat orang sbb jeles dan sebagainya adalah syirik dan berdosa besar. Allah maha adil. jika tidak terbalas di dunia, di akhirat sana ada bahagian untuk setiap manusia.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

28 langkah sahaja untuk menjadi genius

Kalau konvo ramai-ramai gini ,sah sah konvo tadika ni. genius belom tentu..
 “Intellectuals solve problems; Geniuses prevent  them ”          - Albert  Einstein

28 langkah ini untuk kanak-kanak jadi genius. kalau dah tua bodoh tak dapat nak nolong.point ini diambil sapa lagi kalau bukan Puan Halimahton. try contact dia tp  no yang anda dail tiada dalam perkhidmatan.

1 - Know Your Child
2 - Develop a Bond
3 - Set a Good Example
4 - Believe
5 - Be Patient
6 - Be Consistent
7 - Prepare
8 - Don't Accelerate but Start Early

Fun, Informal Learning
9 - Make Learning Enjoyable
10 - Informal learning
11 - Use a Holistic Approach
12 - Communicate Often

 Fundamental Skills
13 - Mastering the Basics
14 - Focus
15 - Comprehension & Listening
16 - Speaking
17 - Reading
18 - Writing
19 - Independence

Teaching Techniques
20 - Demonstration
22 - Divide & Conquer
23 - Feedback
24 - Go with the Flow
25 - Be Flexible
26 - Balance Structure with Exploration
 27 - Choosing Toys
 28 - Choosing Books
 29 - Special Considerations

Saturday, October 8, 2011

20 cara untuk mengatasi perasaan rendah diri

walau pon hakikatnya rendah diri, tidak bermakna aku rela 100 peratus. maka dengan mengcopy daripada orang yang pakar dapatlah points berikut ini.

1. Think of a person who is confident, and then think, act, talk and walk just like them. Model their characteristics and behavior. It works for them; it will work for you.
2. Smile a lot more. That doesn’t mean putting a silly grin on your face! Smile when you walk down the street and when you meet people; they wonder what you’re up to.  And you’ll put yourself in a good mood.
3. Learn from the past, regardless of the outcome; don’t beat yourself up about the things that didn’t turn out your way. It’s gone; it’s never coming back. Instead learn from it for next time. There are no failures, only feedback.
4. Treat yourself some new clothes, a complete detail of your car or get a message…treat yourself to something new. It will make you feel better and will give your ego a boost.
5. Be prepared. Are you prepared enough to meet your upcoming event? Are you prepared for that meeting, that presentation, that job interview, when you meet someone for the first time? I would even take this to your personal safety…are you prepared? If not, get to it.  As the Boy Scotts motto says, “Always be prepared.”

6. Develop and play to your strengths. Know what you are good at and expose yourself to these opportunities at every opportunity – because you’re good at it, you’ll enjoy it and have more confidence.  If you’re not sure of your strength’s ask a friend or colleague.  

7. Develop your areas for improvement. Know and appreciate that you can’t be perfect at everything.   Put a plan in place to improve them over time.  If it’s an area of improvement that you can have someone else handle, personal trainer, a organizer or copywriter… hire them. 
8. Learn to say “no.” Don’t be afraid, you’ve got nothing to be afraid of. Just watch the reaction on their face after you’ve said it the first time and there will be no going back.  Practice saying “no” and do not give a reason.  Often we feel we have to justify saying no.  Just say “no thank you” and leave it at that.
9. Be positive. Look on the “can do” side of things rather than the “can’t do”. You’ve accomplished lots in your life and you will accomplish lots more in the future.  To help be more positive make a gratitude list.  Write down 5 things you are grateful for everyday, you’d be surprised how this will change your attitude.
10. Be in charge of your thoughts at all times. What is a thought? It’s just a question or idea that you’ve asked yourself. If you’re thinking negative thoughts, you’re probably asking a negative question. Be aware of your thoughts…after all, you are the one thinking them. Change the questions to be more positive, ask more “How can I?” type questions.

11. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming, STOP, THINK, and ask, “Is this true?”  So often we believe our thoughts…but most of them are made up and complete lies!  Just because you had the thought doesn’t mean it’s true.
huduh badak ni. nasib baik xde kat malasia.
12. Become a Rhinoceros.  Develop thick skin and don’t let the words of others affect you? Remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It’s not what they say to you that’s the problem it’s what you say to yourself after they have stopped talking that’s the problem. Change the way you think.
13. List the words that you use on a consistent basis when you feel let down or annoyed. People use different words to mean the same thing and depending upon the intensity of the word – this will have an effect on your confidence. Instead of saying “I’m furious about this” say, “When this happen I chose to be annoyed.” Make a substitute list for the words that you use and know it’s your choice how to respond. Make sure they are lower in intensity and then use them. You’ll be surprised with the results.
14. At the end of each day list your achievements and successes throughout that day.  All too often we don’t give ourselves create for what we’ve done.  The unconscious loves to be appreciated.  By making a list and then thanking your unconscious you’ll be in a position to accomplish more…and feel really good about yourself. 
15. Be appreciative of what you have to be thankful for in your life right now. Who do you love? Who loves you? Who do you help out?

16. Every morning when you’re in the shower, play over in your head the events in the day as though they have already happened and they were a success. Visualize all of the meetings that you had, the people you talked to, the outcomes you had. Visualize success and confidence and it will be so.
17. Improve your body language. The way that you move your body has a massive impact on your confidence levels. Move your body assertively and walk with your head up, shoulders back and as though you’ve got somewhere very important to go. Feeling low in confidence? Change you body language.  Exercising regularly makes huge improvements on your body language. 
18. Emotion is created by motion. Like point 17, make sure you move around consistently. This creates energy and gets the blood pumping around you body – it makes you feel better and more confident.
19. Learn to brag about yourself. Yes, you heard me! Talk about your achievements and successes more than you currently are.
20. And finally – You only live once, so any time that you are down just ask yourself in 10 or 20 years time – will what I am worrying about really matter?
There ya go, by using your mental strength and following the points above you’ll not only improve your self-confidence, but you’ll increase your personal performance as well.
I’d like to hear what you use to increase your self-confidence in the comments below

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I will survive
First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to get along
and so you're back
from outer spaceI just walked in to find you here
with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock
I should have made you leave your key
If I had known for just one second
you'd be back to bother me

Go on now go, walk out the door
just turn around now
you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
you think I'd crumble
you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I'll survive
as long as I know how to love 

I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart
kept trying hard to mend
the pieces of my broken heart
and I spent oh so many nights
just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry
Now I hold my head up high
and you see me
somebody new
I'm not that chained up little person

still in love with you

and so you felt like dropping in
and just expect me to be free
now I'm saving all my loving
for someone who's loving me

Go on now go, walk out the door
just turn around now
you're not welcome anymore
weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
you think I'd crumble
you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I'll survive
as long as I know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

Friday, August 12, 2011

Carrot susu- ada petua tersembunyi

bulan puasa ni, saya sekeluarga jarang sangat beli air untuk berbuka (sekali beli air tebu, sekali beli soya) saya mengutamakan buat sendiri. sebab time berbuka saya kene sediakan 2 - 3 jag air.2 jag komfem habis. 3 jag besanya ada belen sikit. so kalau hari2 beli 3 jag rugi besar saya. 1 jag besanya 3 rengget. sedapnye belum tentu lagi.

saya suka buat air carrot. boleh kata hari2 buat. sbb baik untuk mata saya dan anak2 dan lain2 kebaikan yang tersembunyi dari pengetahuan saya. biasanye saya beli 3kilo cukup seminggu. belum pernah anak kata jemu.

lepas operasi buat air siap, saya mesti buang sisa/hampas carrot tu. tapi time saya cari petua hilangkan bengkak jumpa pula petua ni.

"Bagaimanakah caranya untuk menghilangkan kedut-kedut yang mula berjinak-jinak di muka anda? Sebenarnya tidak sukar menghilangkan kedut-kedut di muka asalkan anda rajin melakukannya. Ambillah sebiji lobak merah. Parut hingga hancur. Kemudian ambil satu sudu tepung jagung dan sebiji kuning telur. Campurkan semua ramuan itu dan kacau hingga sebati. Sapukan di tempat yang berkedut itu. Biarkan selama 20 minit, barulah dibasuh dengan air bersih. Lakukan selalu, Insya-Allah wajah anda kelihatan berseri dan kedut-kedut yang mula bertapak itu akan menghilang."

makanye selama ni aku telah membazir bila buang hampas carrot tu. kalau aku tepek kat muka mcm yg petua ni kata mestilah muka aku jadi berseri2 dan x bekedut. cuma problem aku nak spend 20 minit ada benda kat muka ni mesti anak2 kecoh dan pelik je apa yang emak diorang buat ni. ada tepung jagung dengan telur pulak mcm nak buat biskut je.

teringat arwah arnab2 ku.. paksa makan carrot tak mau. makan kangkung suka pulak.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I am A Sleep Lover

camni aku tido time aku kecik2. sbb tu anak2 pon sekarang tidur camni.

time duduk hostel dulu2 kawan2 selalu kate aku tidur mcm kucing. bukan kucing tidur cam aku ke??
cmni kot rupe aku kalau nk siap kan asigment. sume buat last minute. padan muka ko. xpe..lembu pun boleh lulus maa. gambar sendiri tidur tak boleh publish kat sini.. haramm..buruk laktu.

ada kawan bgtau dia sehari tidur 4-5 jam saja. jiran sebelah rumah pulak tidur 5 jam je sehari. tapi siang ngantuk time buat keje.

sorang lagi kawan kata dia makan ubat kalau nak tidur. kadang-kadang tak tidur satu malam kalau dia ada problem. siap nangis2 n besoknya mata dia nampak pelik. kesiannye aku kata. aku pon banyak problem gak. mungkin belum sampai giliran aku mengalami fenomena camni.

masalah aku dah tebalik. aku kene cari jalan biar xtidur. sbbnye mudah sgt aku tetido.kalau malam tu semestinya aku tidur nyenyak dan byk kali tidur mati. kalau aku nk jaga malam sbb nak buat keje ke hape ke, aku kene ambik something macam kopi ke, teh ke dan seumpamanye.

betapa ruginye tak tidur bg aku. tp kalau tak tidur kerana beribadat kepada Allah tu lain cerita.

sorang lecturer aku warga philipinnes . umur dah 50thn. tp muka dia cam baru 30. dia kata dia sntiasa cukup rehat dan tidur. aku pernah try banyakkan tidur dan yg jadi kt muka aku ialah dagu jadi belapis.burukk. xblh pakai lah. takyah nak muda2 ni. tidur la sesedap rasa. alhamdulillah aku cukup tidur sentiasa. sesekali je kurang tidur. itu pun sebab terpaksa. ubat2 senang tidur memang xpayah jual kat aku.

bagi aku 1. lepas kan lah masalah tu.
               2. jangan fikir sangat masalah.
               3. jangan anggap semua benda penting. pilih2 je mane yg releven saje.
               4. bergembira je, jangan berduka lara.
               5. jangan kerja teruk sangat.
               6. ingat Allah sentiasa. Allah maha membantu.
               7. selalu berserah. tawakal.

orang selalu cakap kat aku " macam xde ape2 je kau ni.."
                                         "ko ni selamba je" ko ni releks je"

aku bukan xde perasaan. banyak perasaan dan selalu perasan pulak tu. aku buleh nangis time tengok cite hindustan ke ape walaupun time kat rumah orang.  marah orang aku mmg selalu marah kat budak2 dalam kelas. kat orang besar xberani la marah2 xsuka gaduh. telan je.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

kene saman

tempat paking xada ok. aku xhalang apa2 pon.senang2 je bagi saman.
dah lama sangat aku tak kene saman DBKL. last kene  thn 2000 kat dataran merdeka. g KL ngan normasdewi. time tu kene 30 ringgit je. gaji time tu 900. hari ni  tawaran kompaun 15 hari pertama kene bayar 100ringit. slps 15 hari naik jd 150 ringgit pulak.

sungguh tidak adil dbkl ni. tak kusangka. nak duit paking tapi tak sediakan tempat paking byk2..sbb tu lah aku paking kat tempat yg xblh paking. memang tektik busuk DBKL nak duit org.tempat paking tak sediakan byk2. pastu nak saman2 org. hakikatnya aku ni pemandu yg sangat berhemah dan betimbang rasa. saman2 ni xmasuk kamus.walaupun saman paking.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Rinduuuu Lagi

entah bila dapat berpuasa di mekah. time aku pegi dulu xde sehari pun aku puasa kat sana.cuaca panas sgt time tu. da nak masuk ramadan ni rindu betul dgn mekah mukarromah dgn madinatul munawwarah. kalau tak keje mesti dpt duduk sana sminggu dua.

time ni dalam pkl 2 pg.selesai umrah pertama. bermalam kat masjidil haram sampai siang.

lps solat zhuhur. kuar ramai2 dr msjid. cari ice blended mesti.

ramai2 gi masjid nk solat asar.

pintu king abdul aziz. tempat aku masuk msjid hari2. ada lif naik tingkat atas msjid.

lepas selesai umrah ke7. lengang je. geram je nk g sana lg.nk betawaf
will come back. i promise. da siap nk g aipot time ni.

sesuci..sesuci lebaran. muka letih. 2 minggu x touch up muka. beratnya rasa di hati.. nak melangkah pergi.. badan mmg berat semcm time ni.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rahsia pada tumit kaki-lebih baik tutup pakai stokin

bahagian paling selalu jadi mangsa pengabaian kanak-kanak mesti lah tapak kaki. bila umur dah meningkat, kulit jadi kering. bila dah kering dan xjaga, tumit pon bole pecah. huduh.. bagi aku kalau nak adil,kenelah jaga gak tumit kaki. jangan muka je make up tebal tapi tapak kaki hancuss..dah banyak kali sangat orang cakap ngn aku. Skripnya gini:

 "alhamdulilah saya dapat naik mercedes dan dapat melancong ke luar negeri. income saya 5 angka sebulan. alhamdulillah, saya ada banyak lebih masa dengan keluarga".

ada gak yg kata" saya sekarang nampak lebih muda."org2 ini akan bagitau walau pun aku xtanya. pastu korang kalau bcakap tak ada brek pulak tu. Tapi apa hal kalo duit korang juta-juta, tapi tak servis tapak kaki tu. itu mcm xcukup masa. sampai xde masa nk sental tapak kaki sendiri. xseimbang lah tu. duniawi betul.
batu gosok kaki, simpan 1 dalam mercedes tu.

tak pon, guna je batu ni. aku penah jual benda ni RM5 . tahan. bekurun lama kurahsiakan...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kerana Pulut Rendang Binasa

Tetiba rasa rindu nak makan pulut kuning. pagi2 buta ni konpem tak ada orang jual. kalau nasi lemak tu memang belambak kat tepi jalan. lontong pun boleh jumpa gak kalo cari betul2. nak tunggu kenduri kendara xtau bila dapat merasa pulut kuning.

 so sebagai wanita sejati yang xberapa rajin, masak je la sesimpel yang boleh demi melayan perutku dan tak melayan nasi lemak tau bihun atau kuih-kuih tepi jalan. maka tercipta lah pulut yang tak berapa kuning dengan rendang sardin yang boleh tahan. santan-santan tak main. kerana pulut rendang binasa. kerana mulut badan jadi gemok la.

rendang sardin paling senang di dunia. Rasanye tak ada orang jual.

Rendang Sardin

1 tin sardin makerel
2 biji bawang besar
1 biji bawang putih
1 sudu besar cili giling
1 sudu besar kerisek
minyak masak sikit, air dan garam secukupnye.

sediakan kuali. hidupkan api . masuk minyak masak. tumis  bawang besar, bawang putih yang da dihiris. masukkan cili sampai masak. masukkan 1 tin sardin. masukkan kerisek. tambah air sikit. garam sikit. tunggu sekejap. dah siap.. layak dipanggil rendang sebab kuahnya tu memang rasa macam rendang la walapon tak dicampur santan.

Pulut kuning xberapa kuning sebab serbuk kunyit dah nak abis.

Pulut Kuning

2 cawan beras pulut. 
sedikit serbuk kunyit
2 sudu minyak masak/margerin
air dan garam secukup.

basuh beras. gaulkan dengan serbuk kunyit sekali dengan garam dan minyak masak. kukus sampai masak. bukan sekelip mata. bekelip2 baru siap. boleh makan seorang dewasa dan 4 kanak2 sampai kenyang. senang je. terubat rindu di hati.


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